A traveller even noted in her blog her observation of india road rules. Although she has not actually driven a car in India, After careful consideration, she come up with the following guidelines for correct horn usage a la India style.
- Beep if you see a horse.
- Beep if you see a cow.
- Beep if you see a camel.
- Beep if you see an elephant.
- Beep if you see a pig.
- Beep if you see another car.
- Beep if you see a truck.
- Beep if you see a motorcycle.
- Beep if you see a toy car (technically these are known as autos—they are green and small and have three wheels, use CNG, and are everywhere).
- Beep if you are about the merge.
- Beep if you are illegally going through a red light.
- Beep if you are not going to stop at the stop sign.
- Beep if you are changing lanes.
- Beep if you don’t believe in lanes.
- Beep if you are about to get hit.
- Beep if you think you are about to get hit.
- Beep if you think the guy next to you is thinking of hitting you.
- Beep if you are about to hit someone.
- Beep if you are thinking about doing something that would hit someone.
- Beep if you are about to hit something.
- Beep if you are about thinking about doing something that would hit something.
- Beep if you see an accident.
- Beep if a car is stopped in front of you (in this case continue beeping until the person moves regardless of if they can do anything about it).
- Beep if you haven’t hit your horn at any point in the past 30 seconds.
- A single beep cannot count towards two of the above at once. For example if you see both another car that is about to hit you and a cow, you should beep three full times (once for the car, once for the cow, once for almost being hit)
- headlights (two short taps)
- orange side indicators (tap a few times as other vehicles part)
- brake (hold down until in the clear)
- rear- and side-view mirrors (tap sporadically until required manoeuvre executed)
- Western-style emergency horn as above (hold down with gusto for ten seconds, yelling of expletives optional)
Upon my return here in the Philippines, the first thing i did was to visit an ear doctor to check if i still have my hearing senses intact and without perforated eardrums.