
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Antique: First Malay Settement

Historians believe that the earliest people who settled on the island of Panay were tribal Negritos or Atis. Oral history, relayed as the "Legend of Maragtas", states that in 1212, ten "datus" from Malay escaped persecution from Sri-Vishaya, a Hindu-Malay empire in Borneo and Sumatra. The ten datus, led by Datu Puti, sailed northward with their families and communities, landing on Panay after departing Borneo. Upon arrival, the Malay datus met the Ati chieftain King Marikudo and his wife Maniwantiwan. They offered the chieftain a golden salakot (wide-brimmed headgear) and golden necklace, among other gifts, as a display of respect. King Marikudo responded to the datus' generosity by moving to the mountains with his Ati tribe, allowing the Malayans to settle in the lowlands. The legacy of this landing is commemorated annually in Antique during the Binirayan festival

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