
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Act No. 2711 - Revised Administrative Code (1917)

DATELINE: MARCH 10, 1917 – Some provinces and cities in the Philippines were  incorporated due to the ratification of Act No. 2711 or the Administrative Code of the Philippines.

Act No. 2711, popularly known as the Revised Administrative Code (1917), embodies the broad concept of administrative law of the Philippines in codified form. According to its provisions, the executive, legislative, and judicial power of the Philippine Government shall be distributed among the three (3) separate branches of government -- executive, legislative, and the judiciary -- which shall exercise the powers the functions conferred on them by law. It contains the following subjects: (a) The organization, powers and general administration of the Philippine government; (b) The organization and administration of bureaus; (c) The government of provinces and other political divisions; and (d) Penalties.

The Administrative Code of 1987 replaced the 1917 Administrative Code, which was promulgated when the Philippines was still a colony of the United States. Efforts were made in the 1970s to overhaul the 1917 Administrative Code, which efforts resulted in the drafting of the Administrative Code of 1978. However, the Administrative Code of 1978 was never published and was later expressly repealed.

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