
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

law and lawbreakers

Criminals and Law Breakers

Most countries have laws (official rules set by the government). Together, these laws are called "the Law". When people disobey the Law, we say that they "break the law", and we call such people "law breakers" or "criminals". Breaking the law is a "crime".

This criminal (noun)does this...The crime (noun)The action (verb)
accomplicehelps another person to commit a crimeaiding and abettingto aid and abett
arsonistsets fire to other people's property illegallyarsonto commit arson
assassinkills people for political reasons, or in return for paymentassassinationto assassinate
bigamistmarries more than one person at the same timebigamyto commit bigamy
burglarbreaks in to buildings to stealburglaryto burgle
deserteris a member of the armed forces who leaves without permissiondesertionto desert
drug dealerbuys and sells illegal drugsdrug dealingto deal in drugs
forgermakes fake money or documentsforgeryto forge
gangsteris a member of a violent criminal gang (group)gangsterism-
hijackertakes control of a vehicle (plane, ship etc) by force and diverts ithijackingto hijack
hooliganis a violent young troublemakerhooliganism-
kidnappertakes people away by force and demands money to free themkidnappingto kidnap
muggerattacks and robs people in a public placemuggingto mug
murdererdeliberately kills another personmurderto murder
offenderis anybody who breaks the lawcommitting an offenceto offend
pickpocketsteals money etc from other people's pocketspickpocketingto pickpocket
robbersteals money etc, using force or the threat of forcerobberyto rob
shopliftersteals goods from a shop while pretending to be a customershopliftingto shoplift
smugglermoves goods illegally into or out of a country without paying taxsmugglingto smuggle
spysecretly gets information about another countryspyingto spy
industrial spysecretly gets information about a companyindustrial spyingto spy
stowawayhides on a plane or ship to travel secretly and freestowing awayto stow away
terroristuses violence for political reasonsterrorismto commit terrorism
thiefsteals property from other people (without using violence)theftto thieve
traitorbetrays his country to another countrytreacheryto betray
vandaldeliberately destroys or damages public propertyvandalism
to vandalize

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