
Monday, January 23, 2012

Why is there no Year of the Frogs in Chinese Zodiac signs?

Kung Hii Fatt Choi!

2013 is the Year of the Water  Snake

The foundation of the Chinese Zodiac, also called Chinese Animal Astrology, was from the 12 "Earthly Branches" represented by the 12 animal symbols (The Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Boar), the five elements (metal, water, wood, fire, and earth) and the Yin-Yang theory.   

There are many myths and legends about how the 12 animals representing the 12 years in a lunar cycle came into being.  One of the most popular is that the Lord Buddha called all the animals to come to him before departing this earth.  Only 12 animals came, and as a reward he named a lunar year after each according to the order in which it arrived.  The Rat was the first to get there, crossing the final river on the back of the Ox and jumping down in front.  Following them were the Tiger, Rabbit (Hare), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep (Goat, Ram), Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar (Pig).



I was born under the Year of the Dog (1970)  – / () (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Metal):Here is how i was described: Honest, intelligent, straightforward, loyal, sense of justice and fair play, attractive, amicable, unpretentious, sociable, open-minded, idealistic, moralistic, practical, affectionate, sensitive, easy going. Can be cynical, lazy, cold, judgmental, pessimistic, worrier, stubborn, quarrelsome.


To be more specific, i am a metal dog  (6 February 1970 – 26 January 1971). In Chinese TaoistMetal attributes are considered to be firmness, rigidity, persistence, strength and determination. The metal person is controlling, ambitious, forceful and set in their ways as metal is very strong; and they are self-reliant and prefer to handle their problems alone. The metal person is also materialistic, business oriented and good at organization and stability. However the metal person can also appreciate luxury and enjoy the good things in life. Just as metal can conduct electricity, the Metal person has strong impulses and generative powers and can bring about changes and transformations for those who come into contact with them. thought,

Sadly speaking,   I guess the chinese have forgotten to include Frogs as part of the Chinese Zodiac .   Ironically, the Three legged Money Frog, also known as Chan Chu which means frog or toad, is an ancient and popular Chinese symbol for prosperity. It is  said to be the bearer of good fortune, which is why you always see them bringing two strings of coins tied behind their back and holding a lucky Ching Dynasty gold coin in their mouth. According to Feng Shui lore, Money Frogs are believed to drive away evil, protect wealth, and increase income.In ancient China, these mythical creatures are said to appear every full moon near homes that will receive good news of increased wealth or monetary gain. Feng Shui Masters believe that Money Frogs go out in the afternoon to collect money and return at night with lots of money sticking on their feet.


Even if the chinese bypassed  frogs in the chinese zodiac, at least the world's leading conservationists have together named 2008 "The Year of the Frog," in hopes of raising both awareness and funding needed to mitigate the amphibian extinction crisis. Globally, there are more than 4200 species of frogs, with new species being discovered every year Habitat loss from urbanization, disease, pesticides, poor land management practices, fire suppression, introduced predators and possibly issues associated with global climate change are just some of the causes that have individually or collectively played a part in the localized or range wide declines of many species of frogs.In addition to their pleasant calls, frogs also provide a free pest-control  service. Frogs eat billions of harmful insects annually, including mosquitoes and their larvae. In turn, they are a natural food item for many species of reptiles, fish, birds and mammals.

Frogs are one of the best leapers on the planet! Did you know that frogs can launch themselves over 20 times their own length using those big strong legs of theirs? That would be like if you could jump 100 feet! Frogs are powerful jumpers, and the ability to jump is a major factor in frogs' survival. A frog that can jump far and quickly is more likely to escape a predator.

Legs : Frogs do not use their front legs in jumping for anything more than balance. However, balance is an important part of being able to jump. A frog's front legs are more useful for propping it up when it sits.

Back Legs :A frog's back legs are what give it power and agility when it jumps. The large, strong muscles of a frog's back legs propel it into the air. 

Muscles : A frog needs to have strong, well-developed leg and back muscles in order to jump. The muscles tighten and bunch up like springs just before releasing tension, which causes the frog to spring into the air. 

Movement : Frogs jump in zigzag patterns for a couple of reasons. It is distracting and harder for a predator to catch a frog that is moving erratically, and it also helps the frog navigate the terrain it is moving over. 

Kung Hii Fatt Choi!



Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tribal War: Sinulog vs. Dinagyang

Is there really a Tribal War? Media Hype or Regional Pride? With the pride of both regions on the line,   you be the Judge on the Sinulog vs Dinagyang Rivalry.. who can help it?
As Aliwan 2012 grand champion, Iloilo's Dinagyang has beaten Cebu's Sinulog , the former with 5 wins while the latter has 3 wins  out of the total 10 Years of the Festival.


                  For two consecutive years (2011 and 2012) , i went to Cebu to witness Sinulog festival  which is held each year on the third Sunday of January in Cebu City to honor the Santo Niño, or the child Jesus. It is essentially a dance ritual which remembers the Filipino people’s pagan past and their acceptance of Christianity. The festival features some the country’s most colorful displays of pomp and pageantry: participants garbed in bright-colored costumes dance to the rhythm of drums, trumpets, and native gongs. The streets are usually lined with vendors and pedestrians all wanting to witness the street-dancing “Sinulog” plainly means “graceful dance” accompanied by drumbeats that become a crowd-drawing international cultural festival of Cebu. I am really amazed by their dedication : the Cebuanos dance almost more than twelve hours notwithstanding the weather, may it be too hot or  too rainy.. all for the love of their tradition
Sinulog 2012
sinulog 2012


In 2010, I attended the Dinagyang  which is a religious and cultural festival in Iloilo City, Philippines held on the fourth Sunday of January, or right after the Sinulog In Cebu and the Ati-Atihan in Aklan. It is held both to honor the Santo Niño and to celebrate the arrival on Panay of Malay settlers and the subsequent selling of the island to them by the Atis. The root word is dagyang. In Ilonggo, it means to make happy. Dinagyang is the present progressive word of the Ilonggo word, meaning making merry or merry-making. A religious and cultural activity, it is a celebration of Ilonggos whose bodies are painted with black in effect to imitate the black, small and slender Negritos who are the aborigines of Panay. 

The warriors are dressed in fashionable and colorful Aeta costumes and dance artistically and rhythmically with complicated formations along with the loud thrashing and sound of drums.. There are a number of requirements, including that the performers must paint their skin brown and that only indigenous materials can be used for the costumes. The current Ati population of Iloilo is not involved with any of the tribes nor are they involved in the festival in any other way.

Filipinos love festivals and in the modern world where tourism is such an important part of the economies of nations, there is no better way to draw tourists, visitors, and get great press than to have amazing events that highlight the beauty, products, craftsmanship, and heritage of the many cultures that identify themselves as Filipinos.

While the Sinulog is a whole day affair on the  third  Sunday, Dinagyang  is held for two half days on the fourth saturday and sunday  for the Kasadyahan Street Dancing and Ati-Ati Street Dancing,respectively. Sinulog dancers will have one major performance at the Abellana Stadium while the Dinagyang dancers have four major performance in four major judging stages, like a carousel.

These two festivals have been pitted against each other as to which is better and the best festival in the Philippines. In fact,they have been consistently vying for the top post in the annual Aliwan Fiesta. Aliwan Fiesta is an annual event that gathers different cultural festivals of the Philippines in Star City Complex in Pasay City wherein contingents compete in dance parade and float competitions, as well as in a beauty pageant. the event is dubbed as "The Mother of All Fiestas," with prizes totaling to P3 million (roughly US$70,000). Aliwan Fiesta, which began in 2003, aims to showcase the different Filipino cultures and heritage not only to the people in Metro Manila but also to the rest of the world. The contingents, meanwhile, aim to promote their respective regions both economically and tourism-wise.It was originally organized as a visual extravaganza for the Christmas season, but it has since been held during the summer months of either April or May. Aliwan is a Tagalog word for "entertainment" or "amusement."

The Dinagyang has 4 wins  while Sinulog has 3 wins out of the total 9  Years of the Festival
2003  Halad Festival of North Cotabato
2004  Tribu Atub atub, Dinagyang Festival of Iloilo City
2005 Pintados de Passi Festival, Passi City, Iloilo
2006  Lumad Basakanon Sinulog Festival of Cebu City
2007  Lumad Basakanon Sinulog Festival of Cebu City
2008  Lumad Basakanon Sinulog Festival of Cebu City
2009 : Buyogan Festival of Abuyog, Leyte
2010  Tribu Paghidaet (Dinagyang, Iloilo)
2011 Tribu Pan-ay (Dinagyang, Iloilo)
 2012 Tribu Pan-ay (Dinagyang, Iloilo)


Dinagyang 2010
Sinulog 2012

For more pics of my Sinulog and Dinagyang trip as well as Aliwan, see the following: 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's More Fun in the The Philippines and "sloganeering"

Anxieties and questions about the originality of the Philippines' new slogan "It's More Fun In the Philippines" unveiled Friday morning ensued  after netizens were confronted with an unsettling posting of a purported 1951 ad touting Switzerland, and with the same key phrase 'it's more fun.'

The black and white magazine ad of the Swiss National Tourist Office shows “a smiling, leggy Swiss lass in a bikini on a boat underneath the words —It’s more fun in Switzerland!”

The tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez Jr. claimed that this was merely a “coincidence”.“ He stressed "Our strategy is simple: while other countries invite you to observe, Filipinos can promise a more heartfelt and interesting experience. Wherever you go, whatever you do in the country, it’s the Filipinos that will complete your vacation and will make your holiday unforgettable."

However, I am just bothered by the DOT secretary's twitter "MonJQuotes" account: "No one can own the expression "it's more fun" but it's very true for the Philippines so it becomes ours." 

Under copyright law, no one can own ideas but he can own the expression of that ideas. Fun is an idea but to popularize  fun through the wordings like "it's more fun" can be considered as an "expression of idea.".  In essense, , "its more fun" is   a slogan "owned' by the Swiss.

A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a political, commercial, religious and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose. The word slogan is derived from slogorn which was an Anglicisation of the Scottish Gaelic sluagh-ghairm (sluagh "army", "host" + gairm "cry").Advertising slogans are short, often memorable phrases used in advertising campaigns. They are claimed to be the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product.Slogans vary from the written and the visual to the chanted and the vulgar. Often their simple rhetorical nature leaves little room for detail, and as such they serve perhaps more as a social expression of unified purpose, rather than a projection for an intended audience.An effective travel slogan will not only distinguish you from the competition, but it will also affect the business image you project to your target market.

Aside from copyright, slogans can also be the subject of trademark protection, as shown by the list posted  below.  Brand owners have to prove that the slogan they wish to protect has acquired a “secondary meaning” on its own. This means that a distinctive character of the slogan has resulted from the use made of it, before the trademark application was filed. A slogan is thought to have acquired a secondary meaning if the brand owner can demonstrate in the trademark application that the use of this slogan by another party would cause confusion amongst consumers as to the producer or provider of the goods or services.Unless the slogan is in itself inherently distinctive and qualifies as a mark in itself, the trademark office requires that the slogan be identified with the product or service so that the consuming public, upon hearing the slogan, relates it to the particular product or service (secondary meaning). 

Some argue that copyright does not protect names, titles, slogans, or short phrases. But In some cases, these things may be protected as trademarks.

Copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of doing something. You may express your ideas in writing or drawings and claim copyright in your description, but be aware that copyright will not protect the idea itself as revealed in your written or artistic work.

In the event that the Swiss government has a trademark registration for "its more fun", and it is still alive at the moment, then I guess there will be legal issues that may ensue in view of the DOT's statement that "No one can own the expression "it's more fun" but it's very true for the Philippines so it becomes ours." Although the issue of territoriality is significant in trademark  matters, the fact remains that a company that was paid millions (i guess taxpayers' money) should have been more "cautious" in not repeating the mistake of the earlier campaign

Last year, sacked Tourism Secretary Albert Lim came up with a grand launching of the country’s new tourism logo, with the slogan of “Pilipinas kay ganda” which received a lot of flak and was found to have been copied from the tourism poster of the Polish government’s Tourism office.

 Here is an initial list of Popular Travel slogans i sourced from the net. Feel free to add more or make corrections .  Please note that in most sites, WOW Philippines is  still recognized as our slogan until now..

Albania A New Mediterranean
Amazing Thailand
Anguilla Feeling is Believing
Aruba One Happy Island
Belize Mother Nature’s Best Kept Secret
Brazil Sensational!
California Find Yourself Here
Canada Keep Exploring
Croatia The Mediterranean As it Once Was
Ecuador Life at its Purest
Viva Cuba
Egypt Where It All Begins
El Salvador Impressive!
Visit Finland Breathe
Visit Florida
Florida Keys Come As You Are
France Rendez-Vouse En France
Germany Affordable Hospitality
Grenada Rhythms of Spice
Hong Kong Best Place Best Taste
Hungary A Love for Life
I heart New York
Incredible India
Indonesia Admit It You Love It
Italy Much More
Jamaica Once You Go, You Know
Cool Japan
See the world. Visit London
1 Malaysia
Maldives Sunny Side of Life
Montenegro Wild Beauty
Namibia Land of Contrasts
New Zealand 100% Pure
Romania Land of Choice
Discover Peru
WOW Philippines
Uniquely Singapore
Slovakia Little Big Country
Slovenia I Feel Love
Smile! You are in Spain
Switzerland Get Natural
Taiwan Touch Your Heart
Tanzania Land of Kilimanjaro Zanzibar and the Serengeti
Texas (visual representation of ‘Everything’s bigger in Texas’ – I think)

Popular slogans that are protected by trademark registrations

Slogan Product
or Company
Author or Agency Source and notes
A diamond is forever. DeBeers 1948 N.W. Ayer & Son Steve Cone, Powerlines: Words That Sell Brands, Grip Fans, and Sometimes Change History‎ (2008), p. 129.
A little dab'll do ya! Brylcreem

Susan Wilson, One Good Dog (2010), p. 296.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. United Negro College Fund 1970s Young & Rubicam George R. Bonner Jr., "Public-service advertising nears No. 1 ad pace in US", Christian Science Monitor (April 26, 1983), Business, p. 10.
Always Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola 1993
Mark Pendergrast, For God, Country, and Coca-Cola: The Definitive History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company That Makes It (2000), p. 398.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples 1900s
Michael Pollan, The Botany of Desire (Random House, 2001), ISBN 0375501290, p. 22, cf. pp. 9 & 50.
Be all that you can be. United States Army 1981-2001 N. W. Ayer Craig C. Pinder, Work Motivation: Theory, Issues, and Applications (1984), p. 50.
Between love and madness lies Obsession. Calvin Klein's Obsession 1985
Robert Jackall and Janice M. Hirota, Image Makers: Advertising, Public Relations, and the Ethos of Advocacy (2003), p. 212.
Breakfast of Champions Wheaties 1935 Blackett-Sample-Gummert Later "The Breakfast of Champions" into the 1990s; cited by Kurt Vonnegut eponymously in Breakfast of Champions (1973), preface: "The use of the identical expression as the title for this book is not intended to indicate an association with or sponsorship by General Mills, nor is it intended to disparage their fine product."
Cabinets fit for royalty, but affordable for all! Kitchen Cabinet Kings 2011 Anthony Saladino James R. Gregory, The Best of Advertising Slogans: Best Practices in Corporate Building (2011), p. 23.
Connecting People. Nokia 1992
Dan Steinbock, Winning Across Global Markets: How Nokia Creates Strategic Advantage in a Fast-Changing World (2010), p. 73.
Did somebody say McDonald's? McDonald's 1997
Gale Group, Major Marketing Campaigns Annual 2‎ (1999), p. 243.
Do you...Yahoo!? Yahoo! 1996
Kevin Lane Keller, Best Practice Cases in Branding: Lessons from the World's Strongest Brands (2008), p. 251.
Eat Mor Chikin! Chick-fil-A 1995
The Richards Group, Atlanta PRNewswire‎ (1995).
Every kiss begins with Kay Kay Jewelers

Tom Altstiel, Jean Grow, Advertising Strategy: Creative Tactics from the Outside/In (2006), p. 167.
Give me a break,
give me a break;
break me off a piece of that
Kit Kat bar
Kit Kat 1986 Ken Shuldman (lyrics) and Michael A. Levine (music), DDB Worldwide Joe Tracy, Web Marketing Applied‎ (2000), p. 187.
Good things happen when Home Depot comes to town. The Home Depot 1993
Chris Roush, Inside Home Depot: How One Company Revolutionized an Industry Through the Relentless Pursuit of Growth. (1999), p. 130.
Good to the last drop. Maxwell House coffee 1926 Allegedly coined by Theodore Roosevelt in 1907, although the claim is dubious; adopted as Maxwell House's tagline in 1926. Isaac E. Lambert, The Public Accepts: Stories Behind Famous Trade-marks, Names and Slogans‎ (1941), p. 35.
Got Milk? Cow's milk (for the California Milk Processor Board) 1993 Goodby Silverstein & Partners Margo Berman, Robyn Blakeman, The Brains Behind Great Ad Campaigns (2009), p. 160.
Have it your way. Burger King 1973 BBDO Al Ries, Jack Trout, Marketing Warfare (2005), p. 159.
Have You Met Life Today? Metropolitan Life 2001
Bonnie L. Drewniany, A. Jerome Jewler, Creative Strategy in Advertising (2007), p. 139.
Home of the Whopper. Burger King 1957
Al Ries, Jack Trout, Marketing Warfare (2005), p. 163.
I want my MTV. MTV

Mark Tungate, Media Monoliths: How Great Media Brands Thrive and Survive‎ (2004), p. 41.
I'd walk a mile for a Camel. Camel cigarettes 1921
Henry Hobhouse, Seeds of Wealth: Five Plants That Made Men Rich‎ (2006), p. 226.
I'm lovin' it. McDonald's 2003 Heye & Partner, an affiliate of DDB Worldwide Tom Altstiel, Jean Grow, Advertising Strategy: Creative Tactics from the Outside/In‎ (2006), p. 293.
Is it live, or is it Memorex? Memorex video cassettes 1970s
Richard D. Leppert, Susan McClary, Music and Society: The Politics of Composition, Performance, and Reception (2001), p. 174.
It pays to advertise! Advertisements 1920s Dorothy L. Sayers for S.H. Benson's Mitzi Brunsdale, Dorothy L. Sayers (1990), p. 94.
It takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Timex Corporation 1956
William Harley Davidson, José R. De la Torre, Managing the Global Corporation: Case Studies in Strategy and Management (1989), p. 21.
It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken. Perdue 1972 Scali, McCabe & Sloves Robert F. Hartley, Marketing Successes, Historical to Present Day: What We Can Learn (1985), p. 171.
Ivory Soap - 9944/100% Pure. Ivory Soap 1882 Unknown employee of Procter & Gamble Julian Lewis Watkins, The 100 Greatest Advertisements: Who Wrote Them and What They Did‎ (1959), p. 7.
Just Do It. Nike 1988 Wieden & Kennedy Robert Goldman, Stephen Papson, Nike Culture: the Sign of the Swoosh‎ (1998), p. 19; authorship attributed to Wieden & Kennedy in Communication Arts (1988), p. 151.
Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. State Farm Insurance 1971 DDB Worldwide Richard Jackson Harris, A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication‎ (2004), p. 100.
M'm! M'm! Good! Campbell's Soup 1931
James R. Gregory, The Best of Branding: Best Practices in Corporate Building (2004), p. 84.
Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline. Maybelline 1991
Robin Andersen, Jonathan Gray, Battleground: The Media‎ (2008), p. 7.
Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. M&Ms 1954
Joël Glenn Brenner, The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars, (1999), p. 172.
Nothing outlasts the Energizer. It keeps going and going and going. Energizer batteries

Robert Goldman, Stephen Papson, Sign Wars: The Cluttered Landscape of Advertising‎ (1996), p. 45.
Obey your thirst. Sprite

Robert Goldman, Stephen Papson, Sign Wars: The Cluttered Landscape of Advertising (1996), p. 263.
Oh, what a feeling! Toyota 1979
Donna Jean Umiker-Sebeok, Marketing and Semiotics: New Directions in the Study of Signs For Sale (1987), p. 524.
Pork. The Other White Meat. National Pork Board 1987 Bozell, Jacobs, Kenyon & Eckhardt Philip H. Dougherty, "ADVERTISING; Dressing Pork for Success", The New York Times (January 15, 1987).
Probably the best lager in the world. Carlsberg 1973 Saatchi & Saatchi Jack S. Blocker, David M. Fahey, Ian R. Tyrrell, Alcohol and Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia (2003), p. 140.
Put a tiger in your tank. Esso/Exxon

Brian Ash, Tiger in Your Tank: The Anatomy of an Advertising Campaign (1969), p. 60.
So easy a caveman can do it. GEICO

Laura Lowell, 42 Rules of Marketing (2007), p. 21.
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Peter Paul Almond Joy & Peter Paul Mounds 1953 Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample Linda K. Fuller, Frank Hoffmann, Beulah B Ramirez, Chocolate Fads, Folklore & Fantasies: 1,000+ Chunks of Chocolate Information (1994), p. 60.
Taking Care of Business. Office Depot

Arthur A. Winters, Peggy Fincher Winters, Carole Paul, Brandstand: Strategies for Retail Brand Building (2003), p. 148.
The lion leaps from strength to strength. Peugeot 1980s
J. Jonathan Gabay, Gabay's Copywriters' Compendium: The Definitive Creative Writer's Guide (2006), p. 602.
The pause that refreshes. Coca-Cola 1929 D'Arcy Co. Edward Collins Bursk, The world of business‎ (1962), p. 335.
The world's local bank. HSBC

Philip Kotler, Waldemar Pfoertsch, Ines Michi, B2B Brand Management (2006), p. 102.
There is no spit in Cremo! Cremo cigars by American Tobacco 1929
Radio campaign on the new Columbia Broadcasting Service (CBS); cited in Erik Barnouw, The Sponsor: Notes On a Modern Potentate, Oxford University Press, 1978, page 25, ISBN 0-19-502614-4.
We do it all for you. McDonald's 1975
Robert Goldman, Reading Ads Socially (1992), p. 97
We drink all we can. The rest we sell. Utica Club 1965 Doyle Dane Bernbach Art Direction‎ (1967), p. 133.
We love to see you smile. McDonald's 2000 DDB Chicago, an affiliate of DDB Worldwide Howard Cannon, Brian Tarcy, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Starting Your Own Restaurant (2001), p. 138.
What would you do for a Klondike bar? Isaly Dairy Company's Klondike bar 1984
Dwain Neilson Esmond, Can You Hear Me Now?: Young Adult Devotional (2004), p. 140.
When it absolutely, positively, has to be there overnight. Federal Express 1982 Ally & Gargano Steve Cone, Powerlines: Words That Sell Brands, Grip Fans, and Sometimes Change History‎ (2008), p. 136.
With a name like Smuckers... it has to be good. Smuckers

Cynthia S. Smith, Step-by-step Advertising (1984), p. 74.
You deserve a break today. McDonald's 1971 Needham, Harper & Steers Steve Cone, Powerlines: Words That Sell Brands, Grip Fans, and Sometimes Change History‎ (2008), p. 136.
You're in good hands with Allstate. Allstate

Sidney J. Levy, Dennis W. Rook, Brands, Consumers, Symbols, & Research: Sidney J. Levy on Marketing (1999), p. 15.
You got peanut butter in my chocolate!
You got chocolate in my peanut butter!
(Voiceover) Two great tastes that taste great together.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups 1970
Andrew Hargadon, How Breakthroughs Happen: The Surprising Truth about how Companies Innovate‎ (2003), p. 56; reported in part in Andrew F. Smith, Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast Food‎ (2006), p. 228 (specifying date and attributing authorship to Ogilvy & Mather).